Wednesday, November 4, 2009

It's been a while...

So I have decided keeping up on two blogs is exhausting when truthfully its probably not that bad I just am lazy and would rather work on our photo blog, which if you haven't seen it is:

So here we are, its November and we have officially started the call process for finding a job after seminary. This has always been a daunting thought for me because as much as we aren't looking for MY job, we are looking for a church community we can be a part of not to mention agreeing upon the idea of listening to God's voice well enough to determine this indefinite place is or is not where He is calling us.

We are trying to make it through one and half semesters still in love with each other, still in love with our call and stronger through all of it. Truthfully its easier said than done, so we are praying, not as a last resort but as a vital life line. We would be so bold as to ask you to do the same because we understand that this is not about us. It is about the Kingdom breaking into the world, it is about redeeming creation and it is about looking outside of ourselves to remember those who have come before us and hoping we leave light for those come after us.

My younger brother Micah is a brilliant guy and he and his fabulous new wife were brave enough to suggest that we as brothers and sisters don't go through the ever-difficult struggle of getting each other Christmas gifts and instead pool our funds and give them to someone in need. Both Noah and I were moved to tears by the suggestion and took the time to remember that Christ did not come for glamor of a holiday but to feed the widows and orphans and to love those society called outcasts and to be a shining beacon of hope for a coming Kingdom.

We are honored to accept a call to be heralds of that Kingdom but nevertheless we're examining the depth of our humanity in the fact we just want to know... or maybe I just want to know where we'll be, when we'll get there and what it will be like. I want to know if we'll be within driving distance of our nieces and nephew or will we be close enough to the pacific to smell it in the morning or none of the above?

So for now we have hope and the knowledge that He who has begun a good work will remain faithful to complete it and the faith that it will not be complete with a new job or a new home but will continue to work.... until Kingdom come.

Speaking of the Kingdom... there is nothing more amazing than God showing His love to us through two people who are meant to be together and Micah and Cassie epitomize that, so here, enjoy some pics from their wedding.

Much love,

1 comment:

  1. Your writing is a gift, Ali. Thank you for sharing this gift with the world. You are serving mankind in your obedience to exercise such talents, making us all the more rich! Keep up the beautiful work. You guys make a great team...
